Our organic lawn care programs are for those who are conscientious about their impact on our earth and are looking to reduce their footprint while still maintaining a healthy- and good-looking lawn. We offer a fully organic lawn care program which, uses fertilizer and multiple optional soil amendments to help get an otherwise unhealthy lawn on the right track. This program consist of only organic fertilizers derived from soy beans, crab, and kelp. It is important to note that this program does not offer any weed control services through the use of chemicals. A full and healthy lawn will naturally push out weeds and crabgrass, therefore seeding is the only form of weed control that is included. We do want to be as up front as possible, with an organic program you will have some weeds and crabgrass, a monoculture lawn (a lawn with only one type of grass) is an unrealistic expectation. The products we use comply with the USDA National Organic Program standards, and are approved by NOFA, Bay State, and MOSA organic certifiers.
This lawn care option is a 100% organic program that offers you maximum peace of mind for your lawn. We begin the season by conducting a soil test to tell us which amendments will best suit your lawn, these four amendments can be any combination of Lime, Gypsum, Humic+, or Charge-S3. Soil tests will then be conducted at an interval of every three years. This is because soil does not drastically change from year to year. The program consists of three soy bean based granular fertilizer applications that work by feeding the soil microbes which then go on to feed the grass plant. There is also a kelp and crab based liquid turf refresher to help your lawn recover during times of summer stress. In the late summer we will also monitor for grubs which, if discovered, we will control with an organic cedar oil application. Another part of the program is an aeration and over-seeding in the early spring, which will fill in bare areas in the lawn and help to thicken the lawn up and prevent weeds. Some clients also choose to add on a Fall seeding service to further help thicken up the lawn.
Included in the Organic Lawn Care Program
Lime offers various benefits to the soil of your lawn, but the three important ones are improving the soil chemistry, encourages beneficial biology in the soil, and improves the overall structure of the soil. An important aspect of Lime is the managing of your soil’s pH level, this falls under the soil structure. Grass grows best at a pH level of 6.5-6.8 and lawns in Massachusetts are a little acidic by nature (having a low pH level) so the lime will help balance that out and make conditions better suited for growing.
Gypsum is used to help reduce soil compaction, improve the calcium-to-magnesium ratio, and reduce sodium levels in the soil. Reduced soil compaction and a better calcium-to-magnesium ratio will enhance root growth and improve water and airflow to the turf root zone. Gypsum will also remove sodium from the soil profile by pushing it down below the root zone of the grass, where it can no longer do any damage. East Coast lawns suffer from salt damage yearly because of our winters and the salt applied to the roads to melt snow and ice. This salt ends up on our lawns and will then leach into the soil, making spring grass recovery difficult.
Humic+Plus is a Humate that improves the cation exchange capacity (CEC) which is the soils ability to attract, retain, and exchange beneficial cations such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. This is important because it will aid in the stimulation of soil biology and improves the overall soil structure.
Carbon Pro-G is a three in one soil conditioner, bio-stimulant, and natural nutrient that is made from biochar, molasses, kelp, animal and plant proteins. Carbon Pro-G can be applied multiple times throughout the season based on the results of the soil test and will aid in water and nutrient retention and absorption of inhibitory compounds.